Govt's Schooling Aid To Ease Parents' Burden

PEKAN, Jan 7 (Bernama) -- The government's decision to provide schooling assistance to the needy can reduce their burden although for some parties the amount received may be small.

For Maimunah Majid, the schooling aid reflected the government's concern over the difficulties of those living in rural areas, like her, to pay for her children's schooling.

"I received a contribution for my third child who is now in standard six, and have three other schooling children. My husband, Mohd Dzulkeflee Mat Noor, 43, is a carpenter with quite a limited income.

"Donations like this schooling assistance must be utilised in the best possible manner by recipients like us who are forced to cough out more for children's schooling.

"It is very helpful to all the recipients here and I hope the government will continue its concern for those seriously in need of aid," said the 34-year-old recipient from Kampung Tanah Putih when met by Bernama here today.

Her son was one of the 2,000 selected students in the Pekan parliamentary constituency who received schooling aid which was handed over personally by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Another recipient, Woo Ming, 64, an orang asli from Kampung Permatang Keledang who was present to receive schooling aid for his grand-daughter, Aziah Razak, 11, was delighted with the assistance given.

He described it as extremely helpful to ensure that his grand-daughter would be able to go to school in uniform like other students.

"I'm just an odd-job worker in the village and I am now often taken ill. My daughter (Aziah's mother) cannot take care of her because of mental illness. After giving birth to Aziah, her father, the responsibility of providing this child's needs lies on my shoulders," he said.