GE14: UMNO Confident BN Can Defend All Seats In Semporna Parliamentary Consitutency

SEMPORNA, Jan 17 (Bernama) -- Semporna UMNO is confident that the Barisan Nasional (BN) is capable of defending all seats in the parliamentary constituency in the 14th General Election (GE14) despite facing competition from the former divisional party leader who had jumped ship.

Acting Semporna UMNO Division Head, Datuk Seri Nasir Tun Sakaran said this was based on the confidence of the residents who could see the transparent efforts shown by the state and federal governments to provide comfort to the community in the district.

"Public acceptance for UMNO is positive and they clearly accept the existing government.

"The BN government is among the best in the world and provides various aid programmes which encompass all strata of society including the senior citizens, the handicapped group, educational aid as well as the fishermen's allowance," he said when met by reporters here.

Nasir said the residents were aware that the BN pledge to assist the people had been proven for more than 60 years that the existing government had been in power compared with the empty promises of the opposition.

"When UMNO set foot in Sabah, the party had brought progress to the best of its ability to every district while the opposition ticket was only loudly heard from the stories spread by them," he added.

Meanwhile, he said, although UMNO had now recovered as usual, every member must uphold the principle of placing party priority above self-interest and continue to strengthen the party machinery.