Latest electoral roll should be out in a week's time - EC Chairman

KUALA LUMPUR, March 28 (Bernama) -- The latest electoral roll for the 14th General Election (GE14) following the motion on the review of electoral boundaries being passed in the Dewan Rakyat today, is expected to be out within a week or at latest on the nomination day.

Election Commission (EC) chairman Tan Sri Mohd Hashim Abdullah said as such, political parties should inform their supporters to check immediately after the EC issues the list of voters which have been verified.

"That is why we are holding the "Jom Semak and Jom Kita Mengundi" campaign. Once a person does the check, he or she will be able to find out (of the status). If (they check) during the nomination day, the voters will know who is the candidate and the polling centres.

"This is important so that they will not go to the wrong polling centres," he said when interviewed by host Shuhaimi Mohamed in a special programme with the EC on the TV1 channel here tonight.

The motion on the review of electoral boundaries was tabled by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak in the Dewan Rakyat today and was passed after block voting with 129 MPs for and 80 against.

The EC recommended change of name for 12 parliamentary and 28 state seats but no change to the numbers of these seats respectively in Peninsular Malaysia.

Mohd Hashim also denied allegations that the review favoured a certain party saying that several states had fallen into opposition hands before even though there was a review of electoral boundaries by the EC then.

In fact, he said, the EC was not a political party and he himself did not join any political party.

Commenting on the heated debate in the Dewan Rakyat on the review today, he said this showed the high commitment of the MPs in defending their respective seats.

He added that the EC planned to collaborate with higher learning institutions to conduct studies on the impact of the review on the polls as most of the studies were done before it (review) was done.