Sabah BN will not take the people for granted - Musa Aman

KOTA KINABALU, April 5 (Bernama) -- The Barisan Nasional (BN) will not take the people for granted especially in Sabah, says Chief Minister Tan Sri Musa Aman.

However he was confident that the people trusted the BN to strive to make life better for the people in the state.

"Our voters are much more matured now and will assess the performance of the (BN) government and the opposition. They are aware who are sincere in serving the people and who are just out to gain power.

"The key issue to be considered is, has BN delivered their promises over the last five years and made life better for the people" My (state) government´s track record over the past 15 years is clear, " he said in a live interview with CNBC Asia recently.

The transcript of the interview was made available to the press by the Sabah Chief Minister´s Department here today.

Musa, who is also State BN liaison chairman said the state government under BN had ensured political stability, improved community wellbeing, maintained peace and harmony, and had aggressively pushed for investments and growth to diversify Sabah´s economy and raise incomes to pave the way for greater economic growth.

"Having said that, in the 14th General Election (GE14), the spread of information and news through digital and social media makes it critical for us to ensure we are sharing our success stories online, while correcting the lies and fake news immediately.

"It is important that the rural community understand and actually feel the impact of the development they have asked for, " he said, adding that the Sabah BN had worked very hard to ensure the voices of the people were heard.

Musa also added that Sabah's economy ranked fifth among all the states in Malaysia and had experienced rapid economic growth at a rate of 6.1 per cent in 2015, the highest in Malaysia.

As state finance minister, he also confirmed an increase in the state´s gross domestic product (GDP) from RM59.3 billion in 2011 to RM73.8 billion in 2016, while income had diversified away from primary commodities to services, which made up 30 per cent of the state economy, tourism (10 per cent) and manufacturing (eight per cent).

He further explained that the state BN government had increased Per Capita GDP from RM11,000 to RM20,000 between 2005-2017, and also increased median monthly household income from RM3,745 to RM4,110 between 2014-2016 that placed Sabah ahead of other states.

"The Sabah´s Economic Blueprint,' Halatuju Sabah that I launched in 2004, focusing on tourism, agriculture, manufacturing and human resource development, is now bearing fruit.

"We established the Sabah Economic Development and Investment Authority (SEDIA) in 2008 and Sabah Development Corridor (SDC) was launched the same year," he said.

Musa noted that the infrastructure, property, oil and gas, manufacturing, plantation and tourism sectors had grown at a healthy rate and remained Sabah´s prime movers of future state economic growth that would change the landscape of Sabah in coming years.