Full text of PM's preface of Barisan Nasional manifesto for GE14

KUALA LUMPUR, April 7 (Bernama) --Following is the preface of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak in conjunction with the launching of Barisan Nasional (BN) Manifesto for the 14th General Election:

Salam sejahtera,

My fellow Malaysians,

It has now been a full five years since I first sought the mandate for Barisan Nasional. It was from the people that this government was formed, and it is back to the people this government must return for evaluation.

In the last five years, Barisan Nasional has - to the best of its ability - remained true to Aku Janji 2013.

Against the backdrop of the global economic crisis, falling oil prices and devaluation of the Ringgit, we have accomplished close to 99.4% of the promises of the past elections, with the remaining promises currently in the process of completion.

We are confident we have given our best to provide services in priority areas such as education, health and security. Despite the global rise of medical costs, the Government has continued to provide of 95% subsidy of the people's medical costs.

No citizen has been neglected nor have they gone without government support on the basis of being impoverished. As many as 7 million people have received support through 1Malaysia People's Aid (BR1M), even though a portion of them do not live in poverty.

For decades, there has been an assumption that certain areas have been neglected by the Federal Government.

We have initiated, planned and coordinated a more comprehensive, fair and equitable form of development from Perlis right through to Sabah. Now after 5 years, we believe the changes we have instituted have begun to show results.

The future of this country belongs to all of us, regardless of our ethnicity, religious belief or geographical location. Therefore, since a year ago, the government has held thousands of discussions with many groups of different ages, ideologies, educational backgrounds, geographical locations, ethnicities and religions to draft out the National Transformation Plan 2050 (TN50). We want our nation's future to be crafted and determined jointly with the people.

The coming mandate is for our future. Barisan Nasional is not a perfect government free of any faults. Nevertheless, we have brought about many improvements and changes that are in accordance with the people's wishes. Upon this understanding, I appeal to my fellow Malaysians to evaluate the performance of the Barisan Nasional government fairly and thoroughly.

The manifesto presented today does not exist in isolation, rather, it should be taken together with the 11th Malaysia Plan (11MP), TN50, and the annual national budgets that have been implemented and will be proposed.

Be assured that your vote for Barisan Nasional is a mandate for continuous prosperity, peace and harmony for this small nation. May Allah bless us all.


Najib Razak

Chairman Barisan Nasional