BN Manifesto promises longer paternity leave

KUALA LUMPUR, April 7 (Bernama) --Longer paternity leave for the public sector and an increase in ADAM50 unit trusts are among the offers by Barisan Nasional (BN) in its manifesto for the 14th General Election launched tonight.

Carrying the theme 'With BN for A Greater Malaysia', the manifesto promises to permit male public sector employees to take 10 days unrecorded leave when their spouses give birth.

In an effort to uplift human capital and mobilise aspirations towards the nation's success, the manifesto also promises to increase the number of unit trusts for Malaysian Children's Trust Fund 2050 (ADAM50) recipients to help young parents ensure a bright future for their newborns.

The manifesto, unveiled by Prime Minister and BN chairman Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, also proposes the implementation of a Universal Child Care policy by developing a curriculum, inclusive programmes and nutritious food guidelines, besides training professional childcare personnel.

Following are the other points highlighted under Universal Child Care:

- Encouraging employers to provide childcare facilities by offering special incentives such as tax exemptions.

- Encouraging the private sector to allow pregnant mothers to leave work an hour early.

- Adapting the flexible work hour scheme for mothers with children aged two and below.

- Providing incentives to companies that provide childcare centres and facilities for breastfeeding mothers.

- Allocating seven days of special leave per year for women who are caregivers to their children or immediate relatives who are ill.

- Establishing one-stop centres that include childcare centres and entrepreneur centres for Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA) settlers, in all FELDA settlements, that is administered by the Confederation of Women FELDA Settlers Malaysia.

- Raising the nutrition level of children aged from six months to six years in hardcore poor families.