Najib pledges to people to seek Allah's blessings to face GE14

KUALA LUMPUR, April 7 (Bernama) -- Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, as Barisan Nasional (BN) chairman not only expressed his pledge to the people but also sought Allah's blessings when launching the party's manifesto for the 14th General Election for victory.

The prayers read by Najib, who is also the prime minister, before concluding his launching speech demonstrated the seriousness of Najib and the BN who trusted Allah to give His blessings to help the party to achieve victory and continue to be given the mandate in the coming general election.

After tabling 14 Pledges and 364 initiatives for the people, Najib called on the thousands of party members and supporters present at the Axiata Arena to approve (mengaminkan) the prayers read, a unique approach for such an occasion.

"I call on everyone present so that we can remain calm and quiet momentarily. Let us show our unity and let us say amin to this prayer. The fact is that we must trust Allah and seek His help," he said at the event.

Najib then read the prayers: "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, In the name of Allah the Most Merciful and Most Beneficent...

Oh Lord of the Universe, we wish to continue to place our high hopes on You. Even if the birds stop chirping, even if the earth turns dry and is no longer green, and the environment goes silent.

I appeal to you Oh Lord, to be safeguarded from any disaster that befalls our beloved Malaysia.

I call on You to continue to bless the struggles of the Barisan Nasional party whose deeds had been proven for more than six decades, for the sake of safeguarding the future of our country from the threats of liars and those who sell out the race.

You grant us victory in the 14th General Election by opening the hearts of the people so that they continue to give their trust and mandate to us once again to continue to serve for the sake of our beloved Malaysia.

For the sake of building a better future, not only for us but also for our future generation.

Oh Lord, at this gathering to launch this meaningful manifesto tonight, we pledge, swear and promise that for the sake of our beloved Malaysia, and the loving people, should we continue to be given the opportunity and mandated to administer and rule this country, we will never be negligent and complacent.

We will improve whatever weaknesses we had in the past and we will struggle all out till the last drop of blood, to take Malaysia to the international arena.

Amin,... Ya Rabbal A'lamin".