BN's manifesto meets people's needs - Ramlee Marahaban

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SEMPORNA, April 8 (Bernama) -- Sabah's Assistant Minister of Finance Datuk Ramlee Marahaban said the Barisan Nasional (BN) manifesto for the 14th General Election (GE14) is the best and most comprehensive (thus far) which will give a big spill over to all the people in the country.

Looking at the manifesto, which among others, outlined efforts to continue the construction of the Pan Borneo Highway in Sabah including Sarawak, Ramlee said that the aspiration would strengthen the trust of the people in BN.

"The construction of this highway will give such a huge spill over to the people of Sabah and Sarawak. Imagine, the road alignment we had previously dreamed would be realised, and of course the people of Sabah and Sarawak expect an efficient road network as in the peninsula.

"I see this manifesto meets the fundamental needs and desires of the people throughout the country and Semporna is no exception ... whether it is a large scale or small scale development, the people of Semporna will enjoy it as we have already experienced the flood of development and government assistance," he said.

From the education point of view, Ramlee said BN's promise to start a pioneering project to set up schools using English as a medium of instruction in Sabah and Sarawak was also proof of BN's commitment to empower and further intensify the international language mastery among the people in the state.

Meanwhile, a Semporna resident, Fitri Rohayati Deriyono, 37, from Kampung Simunul, said that the BN manifesto was a great one because it included all the groups, including the party's concern in matters on the development of women in the country.

Muhamad Hasnul Takaddam, 24, from Kampung Terusan Tengah, said that among the gists of the BN manifesto which attracted young people was the party's efforts in empowering the advantages and talents of youths in the rural areas, including from the entrepreneurial aspects.

In LAHAD DATU, Silam UMNO Wanita chief Mizma Appehdullah said BN was committed to paying special attention to women to ensure that they would be enjoying a life of quality and prosperity for the next five years.

"Many initiatives are set to be implemented by BN in upholding the welfare of women including ensuring that the group continue to stand on par with men in helping boost the nation's progress and the standard of living of the women themselves.

"Hence, there will be many career women, and who are succeeding in whatever area of professionalism or skills, so there is no reason for BN to be defeated in GE14," she said.