Five Sarawak BN Wanita pledges to ensure BN victory

Datuk Seri Fatimah Abdullah (Bernama file pix)
KOTA SAMARAHAN, April 12 (Bernama) -- The Sarawak Barisan Nasional (BN) Wanita movement today unveiled five pledges to ensure the victory of BN in the 14th General Election.
Sarawak BN Wanita chief Datuk Seri Fatimah Abdullah said the five pledges are:
1. To work as a united team in BN to always complement and support in order to win in style.
2. BN Wanita to work hand in hand with the Youth and Main Body to ensure the 25 seats won in the GE13 are retained and four seats are wrested to achieve the target of 29/31 Parliamentary seats in Sarawak to be held by the BN.
3. To visit voters and study their attitude through the 'Jalinan Rakyat Plus (JR+)' so that the services provided meet the needs and fulfill the aspirations of the people.
4. To go down to the ground providing services, reaching out, touching their hearts and engaging their minds.
5. To keep striving to light the flames of confidence and trust in the ability of BN so as to keep the Wanita spirit burning and give a ray of hope to the sole desire and goal, namely that all BN candidates, including women candidates win in style.