Johor BN will not field parachute candidates - Md Jais

KLUANG, April 12 (Bernama) -- The Johor Barisan Nasional (BN) will feature 30 per cent new faces in the 14th General Election (GE-14) and will not field parachute candidates.
Johor BN secretary Datuk Md Jais Sarday said there was no question of parachute candidates because the candidates to be fielded have been discussed since last year.
"We take into consideration views of all the component parties. They propose the names early by submitting three names for one seat."
"There is a possibility that the candidate does not hold a position in the party but the important thing is he (candidate) is well-liked by the people and can win. So, the question of parachute candidate does not arise," he told reporters after meeting with Johor media representatives here today.
Md Jais said the selection of candidates was also scrutinised by various parties, including feedback from the public.
According to him, the BN machinery's work is also more organised in this election compared to the previous general election.
"All BN party machinery in GE14 is working as a team rather than sticking to their respective parties as in the previous GE," he said.