Selangor BN will fulfill all promises in manifesto - Noh

SHAH ALAM, April 12 (Bernama) -- Selangor Barisan Nasional (BN) is confident of implementing all the promises made in its manifesto for the state after taking into account the financial capacity of the state government, said Selangor BN chairman Tan Sri Noh Omar.

"Everything has been taken into account, the state government's revenue, the state's financial resources have been calculated and we are confident that all the pledges in the Selangor BN manifesto announced on Sunday can be fulfilled if we take over the state government.

"All the elements announced in the manifesto have been discussed with economic and financial experts," he told reporters after officiating the 'Guru Pembina Negara Bangsa' (Teachers Builders of the Nation) programme here today.

The manifesto themed 'Better Selangor: Yakinlah. BN Lebih Baik!' was designed to fulfill five key goals to make Selangor more glorious.

The five key goals are political stability and a high-performing state administration; thriving, sustainable, innovative and globally competitive economy; security, prosperity and peace; unity among the people as the main pillar in uplifting the state's socio-economic status, infrastructure and basic facilities.