Anti-fake news act not govt's strategy to win GE14

KOTA TINGGI, April 12 (Bernama) -- The enforcement of the Anti-Fake News Act gazetted yesterday is not a strategy for the government to win the 14th General Election (GE14), but instead a law to protect the people in general.

Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said said this was because the law would help remove fake news from social media platforms.

"We know the people who become victims of fake news will want to seek justice and apart from this law, there are the Publication and Printing Presses Act and the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) Act, which can still be used in certain cases," she told reporters after launching the ground breaking ceremony for Pengerang Court complex project here today.

She said if the law was just a government's strategy to face the GE14, the power to determine whether the news were true or false would not have been given to the court.