400 opposition party members quit to join BN

KOTA BELUD, April 17 (Bernama) -- About 400 members of several opposition parties in the Rosok polling district near here today announced their resignations and said they were joining the Barisan Nasional, according to a spokesman.

The members of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Parti Warisan Sabah, Parti Solidariti Tanah Airku (STAR) and Parti Harapan Rakyat Sabah were fed up with their leaders who only came to garner votes in an election, said their spokesman Santaim Gontiung, PKR chief of the Rosok polling district.

"We did not benefit from our support for the opposition. Theirs were empty promises. We have decided to support the BN because only this coalition can transform our lives," he said to reporters at the Rosok polling district.

The event was also attended by Kota Belud UMNO Division deputy chief Datuk Musbah Jamli, who is the Sabah Assistant Minister for Agriculture and Food Industry.

Musbah said the resignations showed that these people realised that only the BN could champion their plight.