MIC launches GE14 manifesto, pledging to raise socio-economic status of Indians

KUALA LUMPUR, April 18 (Bernama) -- Barisan Nasional component MIC today launched its manifesto for the 14th general election containing 22 pledges to improve the socio-economic status of the Indian community in a specific and organised manner.

Party president Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam said the manifesto contained four main pillars, namely fulfilling the basic needs, realising the potential of every child, increasing income and wealth, and stepping up social participation.

"This is the commitment of five to 10 years to transform the Indian community to improve its socio-economic status. It is in line with ensuring the effectiveness of the implementation of the Malaysian Indian Blueprint (MIB)," he said when launching the manifesto.

Under the cornerstone of fulfilling the basic needs, the MIC pledges to increase participation in the MyDeposit Programme and increase home ownership as well as establish a Special Loan Scheme for the B40 low-income group.

Dr Subramaniam said the MIC also pledged to ensure holistic transformation and rehabilitate Indian families facing problems, especially in areas with a high density of population.

As for the second pillar, he said the MIC pledged to provide free pre-school education to Indian children in five years.

"I want to increase the participation of high-risk youths and school dropouts in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) programmes," he said.

Dr Subramaniam said that under the third pillar, the MIC pledges to introduce the Capacity Development Programme to train 45,000 Indian entrepreneurs, including single mothers and people from the B40 group.

"We also pledge to establish a cooperative bank to help entrepreneurs to obtain funding and set up a revolving fund of RM500 million to help Indian entrepreneurs," he said.

As for the fourth pillar, he said the MIC pledges to establish a half-way home in B40 residential areas to enhance the academic achievement and social involvement of the group.