GE14: N.Sembilan BN manifesto outlines two major thrusts

SEREMBAN, April 21 (Bernama) --The Negeri Sembilan Barisan Nasional (BN) has launched its manifesto with the theme 'Developing the State, Prospering the People' (Memakmurkan Negeri, Mensejahterakan Rakyat) by outlining two major thrusts with 18 initiatives to face the 14th General Election (GE14).
The first thrust contained in the manifesto was Developing the State with emphasis given to nine issues involving the economy, investment, infrastructure, Islamic religion, civil service, unity, agriculture, tourism and education.
The Service Sector, Manufacturing and Agriculture were the major sectors contributing to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and by 2045 these sectors were targeted to contribute between four and six per cent with 1.3 million job opportunities projected to be created.
Prospering the people was the second thrust in the Negeri Sembilan BN manifesto with nine agendas being focused namely housing, health, sports, Orang Asli, youths, women, poverty, security and the environment.
Under the housing initiative, Negeri Sembilan BN assured that affordable housing for the people in the state would continue to be created besides ensuring better health facilities and infrastructure to be provided under the health initiative.
As for the security initiative, public peace and security would continue to be given attention and under the Orang Asli initiative their welfare would continue to be assured.
In addition, the manifesto also listed two long-term plans drawn up by the BN to transform the state into a Modern Negeri Sembilan by 2045 and Prospering the People Scheme.
Under the Modern Negeri Sembilan by 2045 plan, it comprised three plans namely the Development of Modern Negeri Sembilan 2045; the Development of Malaysian Vision Valley (MVV) and the Negeri Sembilan Rural Direction.
It was formulated to drive the development of Negeri Sembilan into a modern state by the year 2045 with the aspect of Social Security Network Policy which was inclusive in nature which would continue to be the anchor in the thrust to ensure that everyone in he state would be covered leaving no one out of the mainstream of rapid modernisation and economic development.
The scheme to prosper the people meanwhile covered the additional subscription of the Skim Amanah Dana Anak Malaysia 2050 (ADAM50); contribution to the government kindergarten insurance; the special aid of RM1,000 and RM500 for those born in Negeri Sembilan who continued their studies at the institutions of higher learning at the bachelor's and diploma levels.
The pocket wifi incentive for Negeri Sembilan undergraduates; continuing the issuance of hawkers´ licence free of charge; special aid of RM550 for newlyweds; quit rent and assessment will not be raised within the next five years; free pap smear and mammogram examination for women.
Providing public dialysis centres at a cheap rate; water bill rebates for all registered houses of worship; free shuttle services to areas of public interest such as hospitals, markets and Urban Transformation Centres (UTCs) and funeral aid amounting to RM1,000.
State BN chairman cum Menteri Besar, Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan when tabling the manifesto before 5,000 supporters at a hotel here, said the state BN government was committed to bringing progress and prosperity to the state.
"Therefore, the BN must win whether at the state or federal level...if the ruling party at the state level differs from the federal level. then there will be difficulty, "he added.